Biophysics of Neurons


Neuronal biophysics concerns with many different properties. One of the most conspicuous is their mechanics. Mechanical properties appear to profoundly affect neuronal morphology, wiring, function, and motility. Using large locust cultures we are trying to explore these various effects. Below are some effects we are studying


1.    Axonal mechanics demonstrated:

Sarit Anava, Alon Greenbaum, Eshel Ben Jacob, Yael Hanein and Amir Ayali

The regulative role of neurite mechanical tension in network development,

Biophysical Journal, Vol.96, pp. 16611670, 2009.


2.    Neuronal shape is correlated with motility but also with tension!


3.    Neuronal adhesion to rough surfaces



Raya Sorkin, Alon Greenbaum, Moshe David-Pur, Sarit Anava, Amir Ayali, Eshel Ben-Jacob, and

Yael Hanein, Process entanglement as a neuronal adhesion mechanism, Nanotechnology, Vol. 20,

pp. 015101, 2009.