JMPEE Volume 40 Number 3




Microstructure and Electrical Properties of Microwave-Sintered

PTC Thermistor [PDF] [ABS]

     Ming Fu, Dinesh Agrawal and Yi Fang..................................................... 133


Microwave Radiometry for Cement Kiln Temperature

Measurements [PDF] [ABS]

     Karl D. Stephan, Lingyun Wang and Eric Ryza........................................ 140


Polymeric Synthesis of Silicon Carbide with Microwaves [PDF] [ABS]

     Juan Aguilar, Luis Urueta and Zarel Valdez............................................. 145


Body Effects on SAR Distributions for Microwave Exposure

in a Realistic Model of the Human Head [PDF] [ABS]

     Shuzo Kuwano and Manabu Ishihara....................................................... 155


Processing of Fresh Palm Fruits Using Microwaves [PDF] [ABS]

     Mee Chin Chow and Ah Ngan Ma............................................................. 165


CAD of Efficient TMmn0 Single-Mode Elliptical Applicators

with Coaxial Excitation [PDF] [ABS]

     Vyacheslav V. Komarov and Vadim V. Yakovlev........................................ 174


Measurement of the Complex Permittivity of Low Loss Polymer Powders

in the Millimeter-Wave Range [PDF] [ABS]

     B. Kapilevich, B. Litvak, V. Weinstein, and D. Moshe................................ 186