Quantum IT
Suggested Papers for Review
The following papers are suggested for the review task, and
will be assigned on a first email request basis.
All papers are accessible from a TAU linked terminal.
You are of course welcome to suggest other related papers
as well.
Important notes
In the longer papers you may concentrate on a single
topic, but please advise which in advance.
A typical review will include:
Paper theme and summary of the results
Rough details of important derivations and the intuition
behind them
New ideas will be most welcome J
Paper selection by July 20th 2007.
Submission of a typed soft copy by August 31st
September 30th 2007
Source Coding
A quantum analog of Huffman coding
S.L. Braunstein et al.
Indeterminate length quantum coding - B. Schumacher and
M.D. Westmoreland
Lossless quantum data compression and variable length coding
K. Bostroem
and T. Felbinger
On lossless quantum data compression with a
classical helper R. Ahlswede and N. Cai
Universal quantum information compression
and degrees of prior knowledge R. Jozsa and S. Presnell
Trading quantum for classical resources in
quantum data compression P. Hayden et al
Reversible arithmetic coding for quantum
data compression I.L. Chuang and D.S. Modha
- Quantum rate-distortion theory for memoryless sources I. Devetak and T. Berger
Quantum information can be negative
M. Horodecki et al
- Channel simulation with quantum side information Z. Luo and I. Devetak
Channel Coding
Additivity for unital qubit channels C. King
Additivity of the Classical Capacity of
Entanglement-Breaking Quantum Channels P.W. Shor
Entanglement Breaking Channels
M. Horodecki et al
Entanglement-assisted classical capacity of
quantum channels with correlated noise N. Arshed and A.H. Toor
Quantum channels with a finite memory
G. Bowen and S. Mancini
The Capacity of a Quantum Channel for
Simultaneous Transmission of Classical and Quantum Information I. Devetak and P.W. Shor
The classical capacity achievable by a quantum channel assisted by
limited entanglement P.W. Shor
On quantum fidelities and channel
capacities H. Barnum et al
Nonorthogonal Quantum States Maximize Classical
Information Capacity C.A. Fuchs
Inequalities and Separations Among Assisted
Capacities of Quantum Channels C.H. Bennett et
On entanglement-assisted classical capacity
A.S. Holevo
Entanglement-assisted capacity of a quantum
channel and the reverse Shannon theorem C.H. Bennett et
The private classical capacity and quantum
capacity of a quantum channel I. Devetak
private classical capacity with a symmetric side channel and its application to
quantum cryptography G. Smith
A family of quantum protocols I. Devetak et al
Quantum state merging and negative
information M. Horodecki et al
On feedback and the classical capacity of a
noisy quantum channel G. Bowen and R.
Quantum feedback channels G. Bowen
The capacity of the quantum multiple-access
channel A. Winter
Quantum broadcast channels J. Yard et al
Theory of quantum error-correcting codes E. Knill and R. Laflamme
Error Correcting Codes in Quantum Theory A.M. Steane
Reliability function of general
classical-quantum channel A.S. Holevo
Gaussian quantum channels J. Eisert and M.M. Wolf
The private classical capacity and quantum
capacity of a quantum channel I. Devetak
Quantum Network Coding M. Hayashi et
Mixed-State Entanglement and Distillation: Is
there a Bound Entanglement in Nature? The Horodecki family
Bound on distillable entanglement E.M. Rains
Classical Correlations and Entanglement in Quantum Measurements
V. Vedral
Purification of Noisy Entanglement and Faithful Teleportation via Noisy
Channels C.H. Bennet et al
Many Copies May Be Required for
Entanglement Distillation J. Watrous
Distributed entanglement V. Coffman et al
- Full Additivity of the Entanglement of Formation G.A. Paz-Silva and J.H. Reina
Limitation on the Amount of Accessible
Information in a Quantum Channel B. Schumacher et
Lower bound for accessible information in quantum mechanics
R. Jozsa et al
Noncommuting Mixed States Cannot Be Broadcast
H. Barnum et al
Remote preparation of quantum states
C.H. Bennett et al
Strong converse and Stein's lemma in
quantum hypothesis testing T. Ogawa and H.
Structure of states which satisfy strong subadditivity of quantum entropy with equality P. Hayden et al
Von Neumann measurement is optimal for detecting linearly independent
mixed quantum states Y. Eldar
Distilling common randomness from bipartite
quantum states I. Devetak and A. Winter
Quantum Privacy and Quantum Coherence
B. Schumacher and
M.D. Westmoreland
Limits on the ability of quantum states to
convey classical messages A. Nayak and J. Salzman
Equivalence of Additivity Questions in
Quantum Information Theory P.W. Shor
Remote preparation of quantum states C.H. Bennett et