Computer-Aided Participatory Design

Yoram Reich[i], Robert F. Coyne[ii], Suresh L. Konda[iii], Sean N. Levy[iv], Ira A. Monarch[v], Eswaran Subrahmanian[vi], Arthur W. Westerberg[vii]

15 December 1992

Abstract. Participation in design is an old concept, nevertheless, it is hardly used in practice. There are many issues that impede extending the practice of participation. Improving the effectiveness of participation may benefit from the development of support tools. Some implications of participation to computer tool design are discussed and a prototype computer tool called n-dim that addresses these implications is described with a brief example of its use in a hypothetical participation project.

Keywords: participatory design, design support system, modeling, integrated design system, computer supported collaborative design.

May 2005

Since the writing of this paper, topics such as knowledge management, collaborative tools for supporting design, tools for aiding customer participation in design, ontologies for representing decision making, and many other related topics have emerged and proliferated. More than 12 years after writing this paper, there are still no breakthroughs beyond the ideas presented here. If you find such advances, please let me know.

Yoram Reich

The potential role of computational tools for supporting participation

Participation is hardly used in practice tools and techniques have been developed over the years to support the kind of participation activities that have been pursued in the past. New computer tools may add a new dimension to the suite of available tools and extent the scope of participation possible

Since there are some successful participation projects carried out in computerless environments indicating that computers are not a prerequisite for participation [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] the question of the need for computer tools for supporting participation arises. Our answer consists of five parts. First, especially in product design, computer tools such as 2 or 3-dimensional simulations have been used already in participation activities [10, 11, 12] and can be further used instead of expensive 3-dimensional scaled-model simulations [13, 11]. Second, a major part in participatory design projects is the education of participants. The medium of education may range from workshops to the provision of working manuals [14, 15, 5, 16, 17]. This educational activity can benefit from the availability of computer tools that may enhance or replace some of the traditional techniques. Certainly, hypertext and multi-media technologies can be used to provide different, if not richer, medium for communicating information [18, 19].

Third, extensive participation requires facilities to enable the accumulation, organization, comprehension, and use of the resulting volumes of information if it is to be digested before an action is to take place. These facilities can be supported by computer tools. Note that such facilities extend and provide new roles for other technologies that facilitate group work such as Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) [20, 21] or Group Communication Support Systems (GCSS) [22].

Fourth, certain forms of computational support may increase the rate and type of participation by providing effective means of communication (see below). Fifth, and maybe most significant, computational support for participation may provide the substrate for conducting studies on participation. In fact, as the first step in a participation project, prospective participants could study previous design situations to determine the form of participation they want to adopt or modify. We argue that the study of participation should be done in a participatory mode (i.e., Participatory Action Research) and believe that the same tools that support participatory design could be used for supporting participatory research. In the ideal case, these processes are merged into one.

We now focus on computational support of communication and information organization in participatory design.[viii] The participatory design process, including the participatory development of tools, is a complex process whose effectiveness may be enhanced by support from computational tools. Some evidence that computer tools can influence participation can be adduced from studying the patterns of interactions different people display via electronic mail or other media systems [25]. For instance, some people that did not participate in face-to-face discussions found it easier to participate through electronic medium, even when participants belonged to unequal social status [26].

Participatory design requires extended and meaningful communication. Communication among members of the design group requires that there be consensus on the naming (i.e., a shared denotation and understanding of relevant terms and concepts), constraints, problem structuring, and design trade-offs. Without such agreements, effective communication and coordination of work cannot occur [27]. However, such agreements cannot, in general, be imposed from the outside but must be generated by the design group consensually. In this context, participants from different disciplinary, experiential, and organizational background need to work together. Supporting the underlying communication process requires facilities for reconciliation of different perspectives as well as the maintenance of each individual perspective. Otherwise a given individual participant may be unable to effectively access, understand, and contribute to the information generated collectively.

The participation process takes place both through synchronous as well as asynchronous communication. Communication, an integral part of any participatory work, operates along the two dimensions of time and place [28]. Interactions in the same-place same-time quadrant of this space are the focal point of most collaborative work. The focus of these tools is on creating a shared workspace where the communications take place through a shared workspace and by the direct physical presence of the participants. Extensions to these technologies, relax the requirement of same-place by exploiting high-speed communications and video technologies [29].

Communication becomes more complicated when same-time same-place collaborative work, being resource and travel intensive, is not viable and different-time different-place collaboration is required. In the absence of face-to-face contacts, individual engineers must be able to participate in this dialogue in an asynchronous manner in a variety of representational forms, media, and modes of communication while retaining the time sequence of the exchanges as follows:

·        information comes in a variety of representational forms including sketch, picture, gesture, text (print and speech), graph, table;

·        information is exchanged in a number of media including paper and pencil, physical being, computer, video, film; and

·        the representational forms exchanged in these media come in formal to informal modes of communication: reports, memos, e-mail, face-to-face.

Information capture and structuring depends on which representational forms, media, and modes of communication are used. For example, information techniques useful for text management are not useful for graphical information. On the other hand, organizational units or concepts extracted from textual information can be useful in classifying graphical information such as sketches, or drawings.

Same-time technologies use multi-form, multi-media communication in an attempt to provide support for approximating the most effective mode of communication - face-to-face. Same-time approaches are limited, however, in the number of participants that can effectively communicate. Furthermore, they lack a viable mechanism for accessing design rationale or history, which causes significant problems in understanding previous decisions and consequently in applying the lessons of the past to the present. On the other hand, asynchronous communication is limited in the richness of its modes of communication. However, it may support the participation of larger numbers of participants and provide facilities for capturing design rationale as an integral part of the process without unacceptable additional overhead.

One of the major problems associated with asynchronous communications is that the ``conversation'' tends to drift; i.e., the communicators tend to lose the overall context of the discussion [28]. This is because the maintenance of the structure of the context becomes very difficult unless such maintenance is designed into the system. For example, e-mail users attempt to maintain part of the context by including the mail being responded to in their replies but a moments reflection reveals the difficulty of using such an approach in an extended conversation.

Moreover, the ability of synchronous communication to provide effective support for collaboration degrades when meetings do not address self-contained topics. In situations where issues are re-visited in subsequent meetings, the context of the previous discussions needs to be re-created to allow effective communication. This activity can benefit from facilities that assist in constructing and managing such context -- which, in effect leads to problems and requirements parallel to the asynchronous case. In effect, this brings different-time characteristics into same-time activities.

Asynchronous communication is needed when some cannot or are not willing to participate fully in all discussions, they may follow the discussion coded through the computer medium and comment on them. Their comments are a form of restricted participation providing input otherwise inaccessible. Note that such an option is expected to be negotiated and agreed upon by all participants. Asynchronous communication is also needed when participation must be interrupted because of time commitments. One can envision potential participants who are unable to participate due to conflicts in schedules--a situation common in urban planning participation projects in small towns [30]; in these cases, tools which are designed to allow for asynchronous participation can permit those potential participants to contribute. While the local newspapers have served as a record of such participation [30], yesterday's newspapers are sometimes hard to come by.

Existing computational tools and participation

Different computational tools are designed to support the communication between group members to various degrees. Some tools provide the basis for participants to communicate via a shared workspace [29, 31]. Other tools support the communication process by recording the structure of issues raised in the participation process (gIBIS [32]). And still other tools can elicit issues from multiple participants, provide feedback and guidance, as well as perform analysis to detect discrepancies between different views (KSS0 [33]).

These tools and others do not have facilities to support some of the participation requirements for tools outlined above; such as, maintenance of contexts, threads, and perspectives. Furthermore, all the above tools were developed for collaboration among group members familiar with the use of computers, and independent of their effectiveness in practical use, no assumption about the proficiency of users with computers can be made with respect to participation in disciplines remote from computers at best for the time being.

In our work on design research, the issues and requirements for participation tools raised in this paper became apparent in the development of support tools for engineering design. The issues of design, implementation and incorporation of the design tools as an integral part of the working of a design organization made us confront the issue of participation and its scope. This research has been applied to the n-dim[ix] project [34, 35, 36]. While the primary aim of this project is to build a computational support tool for engineering design, this tool had to have similar properties to participatory tools; these include maintenance and reconciliation of multi-perspectives, autonomy of individual perspective and, maintenance of contexts and threads of discussions and negotiations. These conclusions were reached on the basis of empirical studies of engineering design conducted by some of us and by others [37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44].

Some of the significant findings were:

·        Designers typically spend as most 15% of their time doing standard analytical tasks, the rest being spent negotiating various aspects of the design.

·        Communication between designers occur in a variety of forms (e.g., text, gestures), media (e.g., drawings, video), and modes (e.g., formal meetings, corridor chat).

·        Many errors in and failures of design occur due to miscommunication and incomplete information integration and flow.

·        In large organizations, some individuals assume the task of keeping historical records of previous projects in idiosyncratic forms. These individuals become the `librarians' of part of the organization's most critical information.

·        Different designers (and groups of designers) use different vocabularies to describe the same or very closely related sets of things.

·        Individuals tend to organize information in ways understandable to them, generally in the form of sketches and notes. There is a substantial overhead in merging these different views to arrive at a consensus.

·        Tools that discover terminological differences can focus negotiations and improve the use of information.

From these observations, we have identified some basic features that we have found to be important in satisfying the requirements elaborated earlier. In the following section we identify the features and their role addressing the requirements through an example.

Computation and participation

Many manual techniques have been proposed and used in the past, depending on the artifact and participation characteristics; among others, they consists of workshops, manuals, educational material, games, model building and ways of studying users/customers' needs [14, 1, 3, 5, 11, 16, 17].

Since there are some successful participation projects carried out in computerless environments indicating that computers are not a prerequisite for participation [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] the question of the need for tools for supporting participation arises. The question is whether computational techniques can extend the scope of participation. Some evidence that computer tools can influence participation is obtained from studying the patterns of interactions different people display via electronic mail or other media systems [25]. For instance, some people who did not participate in face-to-face discussions found it easier to participate through an electronic medium.

Our ideal of participation attempts to relax the limitations of participation. It enables all potentially affected by a product to participate. This requires condensing data created in the course of extended participation with tools instead of reducing the potential of producing data by restricting participation. Furthermore, computer tools that can transform a large amount of information into a comprehensible form may support fast informed contextualized decisions [45]. The ideal participation allows potential participants to plan their participation according to its duration; if some cannot or are not willing to participate fully in all discussions, they may monitor the discussion coded through computer medium and comment on them. Their comments are a form of restricted participation but it provides input otherwise inaccessible. If some participants stop participating due to other constraints, their original input remains accessible later. Finally, one can envision potential participants who are unable to participate due to conflicts in schedules-a situation common in urban planning participation projects in small towns [30]; in these cases, tools which are designed to allow for asynchronous participation can permit those potential participants to contribute [28]. While the local newspapers have served as a record of such participation [30], yesterday's newspapers are sometimes hard to come by.

The ideal participation treats all participants as equal in a co-design or dialectical activity. The dissemination of information in a format accessible to all participants can loosen traditional hierarchical structures that increase opportunities for participation; however, there are risks embedded in this scenario [46]. First, users may initially develop resistance to programs that question their judgment. Second, users may develop a tendency to rely on the tool rather than exercising their own judgment. Third, data containing participation records can be used to monitor and control users/designers. We argue that such risks can be minimized in the development of computational tools by involving users in their development.

Different computer tools support the communication that underlies participation to various degrees. Some tools provide the basis for participants to communicate via a shared workspace [31]. Other tools support the communication process by recording the structure of issues raised in the participation process (gIBIS, Conklin and Begeman, 1988). And still other tools can elicit issues from multiple participants, provide feedback and guidance, as well as perform analysis to detect discrepancies between different views (KSS0, Gaines and Shaw, 1989).

Whereas all the above tools were developed for collaboration of experts familiar with the use of computers, no such assumption about the proficiency of participants (customers as well as designers) with computers can be made with respect to participation in domains such as architectural design or urban planning. Therefore, in order to provide computational support for participation we need to step back, look at the evolution of this idea in the last two decades, and propose a technique that is informed by past experience and recent empirical analyses of design processes.

Different computer tools may support communication patterns useful for participation to various degrees. However, all these tools were developed for collaboration of experts familiar with the use of computers. No such assumption about the proficiency of participants (customers as well as designers) with computers can be made with respect to participation in domains such as architectural design or urban planning. Therefore, in order to provide computational support for participation we need to step back, look at the evolution of this idea in the last two decades, and propose a technique that is informed by past experience and recent empirical analyses of design processes.

The early visions about the role of computers in participatory design [14] were optimistic. One study discussed the development of an environment that would have intelligence, common sense, and that would be able to learn and be responsive [47]. Such an environment would ``participate'' on-line with people in a process leading to a better environmental state. This idea conceals a critical difficulty. In order to eliminate the need for professionals, an intelligent environment would be built. This environment, however, would need to embed all the ``knowledge'' of these professionals and would be developed by those who presumably can appreciate all the issues in architectural design or urban planning a priori. Instead of creating an open environment, this idea can lead to imposing greater control than currently is exercised over a human built environment.[x] Another study proposed to use CAD tools with a participatory twist, namely, use CAD systems as a means of storing common representations [48]. Other studies attempted to quantify value judgment and use computers to help in arriving at common quantifications in some manner [49]. All these studies assumed that the terminology used by different participants was the same and that the objectives were shared by all--a manifestation of the Platonic view of knowledge and design.

Since the 70's, there have been additional attempts to provide computerized support for participation in the form of design aids [50, 12]. To illustrate, PARTIAL was a layout tool that allowed users to set-up general goals, define preference features, manipulate graphical layout, and evaluate it [12].[xi] PARTIAL was not really a tool for participation but simply a design aid, and one that assumes the analytic part of design as the critical. In fact, PARTIAL suffered from problems similar to those raised before about creating the intelligent environment as commented by Watts and Hirst (1982, p. 18): ``It is essential that design tools are congruent with the decision-making structure, even if used as a vehicle for learning. No tool will be useful unless it is congruent with the designer's definition of the problem.'' By implementing a simple fixed procedure for layout design, the program assumed that it was congruent with the way designer and users would solve layout problems.

Other tools that support some participation include facilities for storing catalogues of designs to present to potential customers [50] and facilities for layout design of rooms, 3D graphical display of homes, especially when the choices available are among modular units.

In the 1990's we are less sanguine and more skeptical about: (1) the transfer of power regarding design decisions -- the problems surrounding participatory design are not a simple matter of a universal inverting of the power structure between, for example, designers and users; and (2) assuming the existence of sophisticated computer installations for supporting design participation in the near future. We conjecture that what is needed is a focus on specific design contexts, each of which exhibits its own particular problems of interpretation and translation of varying user and designer perspectives, and the honing of computer support tools in a participatory atmosphere responsive to differing design circumstances. In this respect, we also differ with more recent proposals for computer-supported participatory design [52, 53].

There are several critical issues that a system for supporting participation must address.
Usability. Participants in design projects will often lack experience with computers. It is critical that computer tools be usable by participants. Furthermore, as observed in many studies about the introduction of software into organizations, such support tools may not be congruent with the way participants think. In such cases, tools remain unused.[xii] Our approach to the development of computer tools--participatory design and evolutionary prototyping--is geared towards alleviating this problem [54].

Type of modeling. Empirical studies show that engineers use a variety of modeling techniques (see summary in Subrahmanian, 1992). Therefore, it is our contention that no single representation or abstraction technique can be imposed on designers as well as other participants a priori, without severely limiting their ability to model effectively. We thus use a notion of conceptual information modeling that allows multiple classifications to be imposed over a corpus of information. Abstraction levels are imposed by the users, in whatever way they see fit.

Empirical studies and critical analyses of modeling activities in engineering [36] also show that the majority of design activities consists of informal, rather than formal, modeling. Informal modeling is even more suitable for modeling value-based, rather than technology-based, decisions. Consequently, a tool for supporting participation must support informal modeling. This property should not, nonetheless, compromise the ability to incorporate formal models as participants see fit.

Extent of participation. If design is broadly interpreted, all those potentially affected by a project are not known. This is due in part to the lifetime of artifacts and to the inclusion of life-cycle concerns in design. Therefore, in urban planning participation involves all future users of buildings as well as users of existing buildings. Facilitating continuous participation requires using innovative techniques. To illustrate, computer tools accessible through terminals can collect feedback from users of existing buildings.

A support for participation activities over an extensive time period can be realized by addressing two critical functionalities:(1) facilitating the creation and maintenance of shared memory--an evolving corpus of shared information including its content and meaning [27, 55] and (2) providing for communication channels for creating this memory [28]. Since the role of communication has been briefly discussed in Section 3 and in [28], we only elaborate further on the concept of shared memory.

Shared memory is critical for design [27, 56]. It is critical for the evolution of a discipline, for avoiding repeating errors, and for communication [57]. The difficult aspect is understanding how shared memory is created, maintained, evolves, and used and how these activities can be supported. As we said in our objection to the Platonic view, shared memory cannot be constructed by individuals; rather, it is socially constructed through negotiations and reconciliations, while maintaining the differing perspectives as legitimate [55].

Those viewing architects or designers as elite may chose to ignore the need or even the benefits from participation. They can present forms of ``shared memory'' constructed by architects, such as the pattern language [58], that can be used for participation. Nevertheless, even they cannot deny the fact that in large projects, several architects or designers operate together and must reconcile their views through some communicative process. For simple examples, revealing patterns of participation through a medium of shared memory among members of design groups see:

(1)   Peng (1992);

(2)   a knowledge acquisition study of tall building design illustrating the interdependence relationships and communication processes between architects and structural engineers, see Meyer and Fenves (1993);

(3)   the use of mappings between languages used to express designs so that the designs can be analyzed by cluster analysis [61]; and

(4)   the creation of a shared memory by using a multi-exposure photograph of different models, all taken from an identical viewpoint [56].

The photograph in the latter example indicates the perceived similarity between the models from the particular viewpoint. These similarities capture the shared design archetype of the group whose members created the different models. Note that present technology of modeling 3D objects by computers can be used to obtain better fits by searching through a set of potential similarity measures. Once shared memory is recognized as critical to design, in general, and participatory design, specifically, its creation and management needs to be addressed.

We can envision additional functionalities incorporated in a computational support tool, all helping in the communication process and thereby leading to the creation of a shared memory. For example, full scale model building allows participants to evaluate designs in a way significantly different from observing drawings or 3D scale models [1, 3]. In the future, graphics technology including virtual reality techniques could provide similar functionalities with fewer resources.[xiii]

Thus far, we have articulated various dimensions of participation based on the experience of participatory design as reported in the literature and our own observations of, and participation in, design projects. These dimensions and their interpretations are bound to be incomplete and approximate. Their further extension requires the collection of information from many participation projects and its analysis. It is this function that computational support tools introduce that are lacking in other techniques. Computational support tools that are used for participation can store the actions and products of users' participation and be used later for analysis. The use of computational tools can remove the significant hurdle of collecting and coding information. Note, however, that the analysis cannot be a solitary activity of researchers, but again, a participatory activity with the other participants (for more details on participatory action research see Reason (1988) and Whyte (1991)).

We now describe n-dim, a computer tool that is designed to facilitate modeling starting from the initiation of a design process and continuing throughout the life-cycle of the artifact [34, 35]. It turns out that the functionality designed into n-dim matches the functionality required from computational tools for participation.


We begin by introducing the building blocks of n-dim--objects and models. There is a basic cleavage in the space of n-dim objects between atomic and structured objects. As the name indicates, atomic objects cannot be broken down any further, e.g. an integer, a link, a piece of text, an image, an audio bitstream, etc. One could think of atomic objects as things that have values of some sort.

The primary form of structured object is the model. A model is a set of links, which are, themselves, atomic objects. Link types are given their meaning(s) by the modeling language(s) in which they occur. It is quite possible to have the same link type mean totally different things in different contexts; we view the meaning of links as something to be negotiated by users of the system over time. Operationalizing the semantics of particular interpretations of links is considered an open-ended process; n-dim provides mechanisms for doing so, but does not require it to be done in order to use a link type. All objects, whether structured or not, are constructed using another model as their modeling language. Typically, modeling languages specify what objects can be in a model and what relations they can have to one another. Such specifications can be thought of as grammars.

To illustrate these concepts, Figure 1 shows the model Should_I_Participate created by an n-dim user with the Universal modeling language. The model shows that the object labeled Self_Interest influences the object labeled Participation, Participation requires Resources, Participation influences the Quality_of_Design, and Time is a Resource. The legal types of objects and links in the Universal modeling language include all existing types known to n-dim, as well as additional arbitrary types defined by the user.

Figure 1:  A simple n-dim model

There is a special link called a part link, which is canonically represented as a box inside of a box. That is, Should_I_Participate in Figure 1 contains five part links, all whose source is Should_I_Participate itself and whose targets are the objects displayed ``inside'' the model. It must be stressed that, Should_I_Participate does not contain any of the five objects that appear inside it; this is simply the canonical n-dim visual representation for a part link. The four other links in Should_I_Participate are represented as directed lines, which is the normal representation of all types of links except for the part link.

In Figure 1, the object Participation is itself a model. One can view its content by ``opening'' it. The process of traversing models through opening them (i.e., tracing part links) is a browsing activity. One can also browse the data in n-dim models in different ways (e.g., through directed search), depending on the models one chooses to traverse.

One can map a structure of an n-dim model onto multiple projections, which discriminate between possible views of that structure. Finally, any projection can be mapped onto multiple presentations, which fix the characteristics of projection vis a vis its rendering.[xiv] n-dim uses the same representational mechanisms to deal with all three levels, projections are models, as are renderings. The system merely interprets such models appropriately when needed.

n-dim models can play at least two different roles for an n-dim user: instance/prototype and language. An n-dim model is in a specific context. When many contexts are found where such models are useful, a modeling language, that is, a model describing the possible structure of other models, can be created.

To illustrate, Figure 2 depicts two additional models created in the Universal modeling language, where node and link types can be any known to n-dim. Figure 3 shows a model created from the models in Figures 1 and 2 in a new language, IBIS (issue-based language), that may have evolved from observing similarities in the previous models and the wish to integrate them.

Figure 2:  Two additional models

Figure 3:  Transformation into a new model

The language role is easier to describe. A language has in mind some restrictive purpose and functionality. Whereas the Universal language, used to construct the models in Figures 1 and 2, allows the use of arbitrary nodes and links, the languages MLTransformation and IBIS specify a small number of legal types of nodes and links that have rather transparent meanings. The more restrictive or strongly typed the language, the more amenable it is to the applications of formal methods. As a simple illustration, in the Issues_in_my_Participation model, the structure of sub-issues-of could be used to determine when the goal issue Decide has been attained. Or, if issues would be restricted (or specialized) to contain numeric information about the expected duration to solve them, the structure of issues could be used to find the critical path to address the goal issue.

The desire to formalize or standardize as a primary objective often leads to (1) the creation of formal techniques for design such as grammars [62, 63], (2) the establishment of standards such as STEP, or (3) the proposal of various formal data models such as EDM [64] or others [65]. n-dim is developed to provide support for modeling all these endeavors including the embedding of tools such as the layout design system ABLOOS [51, 34]. In fact, such modeling activities are relatively easy, albeit quite involved, compared to providing support for informal modeling such as sketching, communicating, or in general, to the social construction of shared memory.

The prototype and language roles of n-dim models play a crucial part in the usability of n-dim in the sense that they allow users to mix bottom-up and top-down processes. In the former, a user creates models of specific situations and from these generalizes to create a modeling language as demonstrated in Figures 2 and 3. In the latter, the language is defined from which individual instances of the model can be created and elaborated to use rules (see below) and other external computational agents.

While a modeling language defines the set of possible instances of that language, it does not necessarily define the set of meaningful instances. Some constraints can easily be imposed on a language for conveying simple semantic information. For example, in the IBIS modeling language, the link sub-issue-of can link two ISSUE objects. To capture more complex semantic, as well as syntactic, information about models, additional facilities are needed. The ability to put rules in modeling languages provides these facilities [34].

n-dim contains additional facilities that are critical for the participation of multiple people in a design project. They deal with the creation, communication, and analysis of information. These categories overlap and feed one into the other; they include Publication, Search and the Talk facilities, and partially integrated natural language processing and machine learning capabilities. We briefly discuss each of them in turn.

Publication (creation facility). Participation is a situation where the personal and the community intermingle; therefore, n-dim must allow for maintaining personal and community workspaces. In the personal workspace, participants can create their models in privacy. Once participants decide to share models, they ``publish'' them, thereby allowing all the remaining participants to inspect them. Published objects are persistent, they remain unchanged. Only their copies can be altered. Published objects provide the means for keeping design history and facilitate the creation of shared memory. To illustrate, Figure 1 depicts a published object. It is distinguished from ordinary objects by the two stones mark to the left of the model's name.

Talk (communication facility). The talk facility provides a means for synchronous communication. This facility allows participants to exchange short notes or arbitrarily complex information such as models.

Search (communication and analysis facility). Publishing and searching are critical activities in modeling by multiple participants. They provide the basic substance for asynchronous communication. Participation can easily generate an enormous amount of information in the form of published models. As the corpus of information increases continually, facilities are needed to search it for information relevant to current modeling activities. Currently, search is performed via a structured query editor. n-dim allows for, and will include, techniques designed to facilitate search by models, whereby a user could specify a partial model and search for models closely related to the outlined model. These techniques would be significantly more usable to computer illiterate participants.

Natural language processing and machine learning (analysis and creation facilities). Natural language processing will allow participants to discover terminological patterns implicit in large text corpora written by previous participants. The discovered patterns can act as a basis in building conceptual models thus aiding in the creation process. Further, such patterns can be used to create synonyms for extending search queries beyond idiosyncratic labeling. The machine learning capability will allow participants to (1) inspect large amount of technical information and transform it into comprehensible forms; (2) learn and evolve the understanding of the current design problem through analyzing its progress and its relation to previous designs; and (3) compile information for future reuse.

All the above facilities are expected to be executed under participants' control; there is no assumption that any of them will be executed automatically.


This section discusses a hypothetical example of using n-dim for facilitating design participation in the design of the new community library in a hypothetical town: Particburgh, PA. Particburgh is a town with 2000 residences (total population 7500). There are several factories in Particburgh including a recently opened assembly line of Toyonda, a Japanese car company. (Therefore some of the workers are starting to acquaint themselves with the Japanese perspective of concepts such as quality and sharing.) From the 2000 residences, members from 150 residences are active in various town activities.

The first stage in any participation is the initial presentation of concepts that is intended to trigger feedback or dialogue. In this project, the trigger was a town meeting in which the new project was presented to the town assembly. The county administrators decided to try a new approach in designing the facility: participatory design. They have heard a little about it and thought that it may be interesting and also beneficial.

The administrators had to discuss many issues: what could be the form of the participation, will they need a moderator, how long will the process take? They had to collect material on workshops and manuals for participation. Although some information was gathered, it was still partial.

Meanwhile, the county administrators found a computer program called n-dim that was available for experimenting; although it was not commercial quality software, it was free and was accompanied with a proposal to send a researcher interested in studying participation to act as a participant in the project.

In the town meeting, the county officials presented the new idea and asked several people moderately proficient with the use of personal computers to try the software, and meanwhile, learn about participation by using it. The county officials also scheduled another meeting to allow these residents report their experience with the software. Moreover, this second meeting was supposed to give residents the ability to hear about the tool and the concept of participation from members of the community, rather than from county officials, and subsequently decide on the future progress of the project.

The researcher had several roles that facilitated the understanding of participation. Most importantly, the researcher demonstrated by example that n-dim could be used to structure information, besides being used as a fancy electronic mail facility. Figure 4 shows a text written by Joe and its translation to the ToDo model by the researcher. Meanwhile, Keren, another active resident, created the models in Figures 2 and 3, among others.

Figure 4:  From textual to model representation

In order for Joe to view the ToDo model the researcher created, the researcher had to publish it, and Joe had to search for it (or receive it through the talk facility if the researcher was using n-dim at that time). Joe searched for the published ToDo objects and also found Keren's model which she recently published. Joe could then view and use his model in various ways; for example, he could annotate it and send it to Keren or copy and use some of Keren's model in his ToDo model.

Once the residents understood the modeling, browsing, search, and talk facilities of n-dim, they could start learning about previous experiences other participants had while participating in different projects and exchange their impressions. Such contextual information was critical for better appreciating the meaning of objects such as Frame_of_Mind, Resources, or Quality_of_Design appearing in Figure 2. Therefore, in order to make an informed decision about whether to participate, residents had to understand the issues involved in the library project, even if in a preliminary manner.

Figure 5 shows the model Participation_Projects classifying previous participatory design projects in addition to the model Facilities_Classification classifying facilities according to their function. These models were created by the researchers before the beginning of the exercise, but in real use, they are expected to accumulate through actual use in design projects. The participants detected the Boulder_Creek_Branch_Library and Library models and decided to browse the latter. The participants also noticed the models labeled Toyota and Honda and decide to browse it later. This had lead them to better understand the concept of participation as well as the rationale behind some of the activities they started practicing in the Toyonda plant.

Figure 6 shows four models explored by the residents: (1) the Library model organizing the information on library design; (2) the Experience model containing the details about specific projects and their relation to specific design stages; (3) the Guidelines model containing various information sources about library design; and (4) the Floor_size model depicting guidelines for determining areas of various spaces of a library.[xv]  Figure 7 shows some of the issues in library design distilled from the different experiences and guidelines.



Figure 5:  Browsing previous participation experience


Figure 6:  


Figure 7:  Issues in designing a library


One of the cases appearing in the Experience model, the Boulder_Creek_Branch_Library model, is an example of designing a community library center [4]. The residents decided to explore it next. In this model, the residents could view stages in the design process, including layouts of proposed solutions (see Figure 8). The residents could study this design and appreciate its relevance to their project. Indeed, a close observation revealed interesting similarities with their project. The success of the Boulder Creek Library design was influential on deciding to participate in the library design. The residents also discovered that the nature of the participation process, even if carefully planned ahead, could change as it unfolds. Therefore, their decision does not bind them to specific activities or processes; rather, it only requires that they maintain an open Frame_of_Mind.

Figure 8:  Browsing the Boulder Library experience (drawing after [4])

The decision was to adopt participation and try n-dim as a vehicle for its facilitation in the project. The next steps for the participants included among others: continuing the process of idea elicitation, requirement formulation, consensus establishment through building models in n-dim and communicating them; contacting potential architects and constructors that were involved in participation or community library design projects to propose their participation in the early stages of the project; and possibly using and viewing a variety of analysis and design tools relevent to library design.

As mentioned in the discussion of n-dim, the embedding and use of design tools within n-dim is an important concern of the n-dim research project and is central to the goals of participation in design. By creating various kinds of models, participants are able to discuss, annotate and provide feedback on the results of using design tools to those who generated the results. At the least this would enable participants at every level to access, review and monitor the tool based design activities of design professionals in a direct way that is normally not possible today. Depending on the sophistication of the design tools involved and their ease of use within n-dim, participants may also be enabled to use certain tools themselves. Special n-dim modeling languages can assist in automatically preparing input to the tool in the proper format and sequence, in translating the results of the tool's execution back into n-dim models, and in directing input and output between tools (this is the common case where the output of one tool is filtered to provide input for another, and so on).

In Figure 9, we illustrate the use of a layout design tool called ABLOOS to produce layouts of the library. The residents used the spaces in the Boulder Library project as templates to be configured by some of the guidelines found in the Guidelines model, for exploring a preliminary design for their library. The figure shows, in the upper left, two alternative Library_layout_Input models. These were constructed based on templates for the various library spaces contained in a Library_Design_Repository model - this model is a classification of the spaces generally included in libraries such as those in the Boulder Library project. The Library_Layout_Input1 model is shown open to display the desired spaces and their adjacency relationships. A model of one of the spaces, Reference, is shown open to illustrate its recommended maximum and minimum sizes and minimum area - this can be edited and adjusted for its instantiation in a particular library layout. In the upper right, the Run_Library_Layout model illustrates the Library_Layout_input1 model linked as input to a Run_ABLOOS model to generate layouts as output. The output is stored in a Layout_Results model and the Run_ABLOOS model is a standard, pre-existing model available to the participants as a result of the embedding of ABLOOS as a tool within n-dim. The open Layout_Results model shows two alternative layout models for the library generated by ABLOOS and these layouts are displayed in the bottom of the figure.[xvi] These solution models can now be included in (pointed at) from other models where discussions and annotations about their merit can be attached and communicated to the library designers and other participants. For instance, the solutions might be referenced in an IBIS issue-base discussion model.

Figure 9:  Conducting a preliminary design with ABLOOS

Meanwhile, while the design was progressing, the researcher was learning about participatory design and the (often creative) ways n-dim was used by the participants in the project. The researcher heard feedback from participants and attempted, with assistance from the n-dim group, to provide timely answers. The researcher also participated in the design itself by assuming a role assigned by all the participants. This provided the researcher the necessary baseline for understanding the issues raised in the project, the terminology used, and the roles different participants assumed. Such information was modeled continually in n-dim and provided further details for analyzing the progress of the participation process. The information on this project as it evolved was modeled and inserted in its proper place into the models of past participation experiences. This activity was performed in the everyday course of the project.

Summary and future work

Participation in design is a primary right of all potentially affected by a design project. We have discussed some obstacles to participation and proposed computational support systems as vehicles for extending the scope of participation as it is practiced, when it is practiced. We have concentrated on some issues that pertain to architectural design and urban planning and their implication to the design of computational support tools.

Our approach is radically different from early ideas about computational support of participation which might be described as a means for the elimination of experts from design. Our approach is based on providing participants with communication facilities and information about past experiences that they can themselves explore and organize. Our approach is meant to facilitate learning and growth. We have presented a computer tool n-dim that integrates facilities ranging from unstructured to structured representation of information, communication, and design tools integration, and illustrated its use in a hypothetical design case.

In the example, we have demonstrated how n-dim can be used to educate prospective participants about participation. Such education consists of explaining the conceptual issues involved in participation and the process of participation, in addition to providing background on projects relevant to the project presently conceived. We have briefly noted how a collaboration can take place between participants to arrive at consensus during participation. This collaboration can involve diverse aspects such as discussing the issues of the preliminary design or designing the layout of the building with the aid of computational tools.

There are evidently many issues that need to be addressed in future (participatory) research; they all relate to the management of vast amount of information and its usability for future participants. We plan to tackle these issues and others that are uncovered through participatory activities in which n-dim is used in design activities. The information accumulated from participation projects using n-dim and participants' feedback could be used to study and further understand participation. In the long run, evidence that supports the utility of n-dim in facilitating participation can only come from using it in participation projects. This, in turn, would give feedback and insight on the further development of n-dim as a tool for participation.

From the perspective of developing computer tools, participation serves three purposes. First, it is required for developing a usable tool. Second, it is needed for testing the tool. Third, it is required for collecting data on people participating in various design scenarios, thereby gaining a better understanding on the issues involved. Furthermore, based on this view, we have provided the beginnings of a specification for computer tools to support participation, including briefly outlining the functionality of its prototype.

We are currently pursuing several projects with industrial affiliates to test these ideas following the deployment of n-dim in these affiliates' sites. In addition, in the fall of 1993 n-dim will be used in a senior-level software engineering course which features a team-based approach driven by the use-case methodology developed by Jacobson [69]. With our affiliates, we intend to study and model the evolution of n-dim as it takes place through the cycles of implementation, use, and evaluation. We (now n-dim developers as well as users) can then trace this evolution to its sources in different participatory activities, thereby studying participation as we design.


This research has been supported in part by the Engineering Design Research Center, a National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center. The views expressed here do not represent any position of the Software Engineering Institute.



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Copyright © 1997-2005 The n-dim Group

Last modified: Fri Oct 31 12:40:02 IST 1997

[i] Department of Solid Mechanics, Materials and Structures, Faculty of Engineering, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel, Phone: 1 972 3 6407385, Fax: 1 972 3 6429540 (This research was partly done while this author was at the Department of Civil an Environmental Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA and at the Engineering Design Research Center, Carnegie Mellon University.)

[ii] Engineering Design Research Center, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, PA, USA

[iii] Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, PA, USA

[iv] Engineering Design Research Center, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, PA, USA

[v] Engineering Design Research Center, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, PA, USA

[vi] Engineering Design Research Center, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, PA, USA

[vii] Engineering Design Research Center, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, PA, USA

[viii] In this focus we are still aware of some negative results from the use of the aforementioned GCSS compared to GDSS [22]. In particular, even though the quality of group decisions and the extent of participation had improved in both, the use of GCSS had negative influence on the communication process (efficiency and amount of information exchanged) - in contrast to the tools' goal. This may have many explanations including some offered in [22] and some that involve the fact that the empirical studies reviewed are founded on non-participatory situations, that is, the tools were not developed through participation nor were the evaluation criteria. In contrast, we (and others, [23, 24, 7]) argue that participatory action research is the suitable way to develop, evaluate, and evolve systems directed towards action.

[ix] n-dim is a group effort. The n-dim group consists of: Westerberg, Coyne, Levy, Konda, Monarch, Thomas, Dutoit, Reich, Subrahmanian, Srivastava, Gardner.

[x] One would not be wrong if one detects here a statement against ``strong'' AI. Further, stating that the environment will be able to learn does not release it from its inherent limitations since such ability cannot be realized in present technology unless significant control is exercised a priori [45].

[xi] Note that all these functions and more can be performed by the layout design tool ABLOOS [51] which is integrated in n-dim, the system described later.

[xii] Similarly, Carp (1986) identified some of the bottlenecks preventing the success of the support-infill concept as the resistance of participants to perceive their roles within the framework of the new concept.

[xiii] Sannof (1991) discusses the utility of simulations in design. The critical issue is whether the reaction of participants to the simulation is an indication of their feeling to the built environment. Studies present conflicting opinions about this subject. Sanoff lists several guidelines for conducting simulations, but the critical one, finally, is the accumulation of studies with simulations and their comparisons to post occupancy studies which can accumulate experience leading to a better ability to predict the utility of simulations. This comment supports our view.

[xiv] A rendering of a model can be something like a window presented to the user for interaction, a printed file, etc..

[xv] Such guidelines can be found in many references including: [66], [67], and [68].

[xvi] The particular rendering of the spaces in the ABLOOS' results should not be interpret verbatim as if the gaps between the spaces exist. Rather, they result from the way the rendering is designed to reflect constraints on the placement of spaces.