Daniel Rubin


Hello! My name is Daniel Rubin. I am an M.Sc. student at the department of Solid Mechanics, Materials and Systems at the Faculty of Engineering, Tel-Aviv University. I received my B.Sc. in physics from the Faculty of Exact Sciences at Tel-Aviv University.

Under supervision of Dr. Offer Shai, I work on employing matroid theory for studying the behavior of physical systems.


Contact Information:

Tel. 972-68-337411, 972-3-6406200

Email: rubind@eng.tau.ac.il


My publications:


1. Shai O. and Rubin D., “Transforming Knowledge to Structures from other Engineering Fields by means of Graph Representations”,  The Seventh International Conference
on Computational Structures Technology, September 2004, Portugal (PowerPoint Presentation

2.    Shai O. and Rubin D., "Representing and Analyzing Integrated Engineering Systems through Combinatorial Representations", Engineering with Computers, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 221-232, 2003.

3.     Scientific consultant for “Multidisciplinary Models for Integrated Engineering Systems – MOEMS”, Volumes 1,2 and 3, written by: Langshtater I., Shmueli M., Andruiser A., and supervised by Shai O., for Israeli MOEMS consortium. Tel-Aviv University, 2003 (Hebrew).

4.     Shai O., Eliahou-Niv S., Rubin D., Slavutin M. and Andrusier A., "Multidimensional Graph Representations for MEMS and their Applications", ISRAMEMS – the 1st National Conference of the Israeli MOEMS Society, Haifa, Israel, 21 October 2002.

5.     Rubin D., “Developing Scientific-Technological Creativity”, Ort Israel, 1999 (Hebrew). – Textbook based on the lectures given by Dr. Offer Shai prepared for the course given in Ort  high-schools.

6.     Rubin D., “Optimization Algorithms Based on the Primal-Dual Method”, Ort Israel, 1997 (Hebrew). Research project that has won an  excellence certificate on the Ort competition on works in mathematics.